Monday, November 29, 2004

Gay, gay, gay

I don’t MEAN to always talk about gay things, but you know what they say, write what you know.

The Supreme Court has just declined, without comment, to review a challenge to gay marriages currently taking place in Massachusetts.

So, I don’t want to be overly optimistic. On the bright side, it could mean that Karl Rove gave a quick call to the court this morning, telling them it was hands off, which means that the Republican party is abandoning the religious right now that they won Bush the election. (Which the Republicans will do, I’m just not sure if it will be this soon or not.)

It could also mean that the court realizes that, absent religious feelings, there is no compelling reason, constitutional or otherwise, to prevent gay people from marrying. And by sidestepping the issue this time, they’re just delaying the awful truth from the rest of us, until such time as a couple wed in Massachusetts inevitably sues for recognition from another state.

On the dark side, it could mean that, by keeping the issue out of the courts (where it could only be good for gay people), the Republicans are gearing up to actually push for that Constitutional Amendment nonsense they’ve been yapping about. Which I don’t think would pass muster, but….well, I didn’t think Bush would win again, either. I guess we’ll just see.

Did everyone have a swell Thanksgiving? Jet and I hosted the ever-entertaining 23Skidoo and her husband for Thursday dinner, then watched our new Harry Potter DVD. Friday, we laid around on the floor and watched rented movies all day, then tidied up the house and hosted Jet’s new boss, Reverend ___ , who is gay but isn’t allowed to tell. See, he’s filling an interim position at Jet’s church, and when he came to town he told the diocese he wanted a job where he could be out, and they, essentially, laughed in his face.

Jet has heard from the grapevine that Reverend ____ was NOT the first choice for the job, but that at least one other was not chosen…for being GAY. Ha ha, isn’t the irony delicious! We were afraid this would all come as news to Reverend ____, but he seemed painfully aware of the political tenuousness of his appointment. (Incidentally, the only reason he isn’t out at the Church, apparently, is because “no one’s asked”.)

From the sublime to the ridiculous…LSBB has sent me this story, about how gay activists are trying to overturn conventional models of king- and queen-dom at homecoming celebrations.

I submit for you inspection a member of Vanderbilt’s homecoming court. (LSBB's comment: "It puts the lotion in the basket...or it gets the Homecoming Crown again."
Ummmm.....memo to all fledgling gay activists on college campuses nationwide: STOP IT. If you’re a male, you’re a king. If you’re a female, you’re a queen. The end.

Jesus, it’s no wonder the Fundamentalists hate us.

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