Thursday, November 18, 2004

And she had REALLY hairy legs, too

Another day, and the hypocrisy of America, for some reason, continues to astound me. People are up in arms about this Desperate Housewives-NFL business, yet the bikini-girl beer commercials and Livitra promos and cheerleaders dancing around like whores don’t raise an eyebrow? Not to mention the fact that football is an idiotic pastime anyway. There’s only one explanation for the uproar, RACISM, and I shan’t be convinced otherwise.

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So I’m at the comic book store yesterday, and I walk in, and there’s a group of grown men standing around arguing, and since the place sells all sorts of kooky subversive political tracts in addition to comics, I figure it’s a political discussion. So I ease my way up to eavesdrop, and I SWEAR TO GOD this is what I hear:

“If the Borg have a chance to establish themselves, the Empire doesn’t stand a chance.”

Yes, folks, they were arguing about who would win a fight between the Star Trek Borg and the Star Wars Empire. These things NEVER happen when Jet or someone is WITH me in the comic store, so I could share my glee. I suppose I should be thankful. The same thing used to happen in reverse when I lived in Miami, and I would go to the comic store alone, or even with Jet, and everything would be quiet and peaceful, but on the exactly TWO occasions when I was accompanied by my little friend Looper, the comic book man all of a sudden knew my name and was eager to show me a picture of a woman with hairy legs wearing a bikini. Honest, I don’t make this crap up.

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We live in a neighborhood with a couple of group homes for the developmentally disabled, and as far as I can tell they are harmless (and yes, when I say “harmless” I am including the young man who, when spotting Dino and I walking one fine evening, stood at his front door and barked at us until we were out of sight.) But I have to wonder how much close supervision they are given. For instance, one fellow, who is African American, about 6’3”, and cannot speak but can grunt and drool, is apparently free to walk around the neighborhood unaccompanied.

And let me tell you, try as I might to be open-minded, when you come upon a big drooling black kid on a dark street, it’s tough to not be scared.

I just wonder if it’s the wisest choice on the part of those in charge to let him do so – I mean, what if someone calls the police and he ends up in jail, and since he can’t talk they think he’s on drugs or something? I’m just sayin’.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little friend here, found the best website for celebrity trash EVER.

this is my favorite picture of britney--one classy gal.

Also make sure to check out Lindsay Lohan continuing on her "cigarette-feuled path to hell":

I may pee my pants.