Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day Distractions

Jet and I went to vote bright and early, and of course it all turned into a big misadventure. My address change, which was supposed to happen automatically when I renewed my driver’s license in AUGUST, had never been processed by the board of elections, even though I called a month ago to ENSURE that it would be processed by election day and was told that it would be. So after standing in line for an hour in my lovely, quiet, tree-lined neighborhood polling place, I had to drive to my old neighborhood and stand in line there for an hour and a half, and was given a different-colored card from everyone else so that the poll attendants would be alerted that there was something “funny” about me. But, I got to see lots of people from my old apartment building that Jet and I didn’t really know but made up imaginary lives for, like Old Mrs. Creeps, and Eek the Neighbor, and Pretty Indian Girl, and Melting-Hair-Pomade Man.

So, there it is, I’ve cast my votes. Let’s hope it’s all settled by tomorrow, but I’ve a nagging feeling in my stomach that it won’t be.

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A young reader alerted me to the fact that this past Sunday saw the publication of the worst Family Circus comic EVER.

And I missed it.

But I found this one, drawn by 7-year old Billy while he was running around the neighborhood with black dashes trailing behind him. Enjoy.

“Jeffy, you dumbass! I’m gonna tell Dead Grampa on you!”

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CONTEST! The first one to send me a clever interpretation of my dream wins a prize. Here it is:

I went to a baseball game with Jet, Jet’s boss Mr. Dithers, Little Sister Bamm-Bamm, and LSBB’s boyfriend Kid Mickey. Jet was mad at his boss; LSBB was mad at her boyfirend. I was mad at no one. We sat in the bleachers, and the bleachers suddenly rose up to the top of a high platform (similar to Disney/MGM’s Twilight Zone Tower of Terror) where there was a Mexican Cantina, so we could all enjoy margheritas and fresh salsa and didn’t have to watch the stupid baseball game. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Oskins said...

People you know in your dreams are usually representations of parts of yourself. Therefore -
Jet represents your Ego, which is clearly angry at the realities of the world around you (his boss). Little Sister represents the Super Ego and your anger at the moral decay displayed by her boyfriend and baseball in general. You represent your Id, which would much rather leave reality, moral decay, and boredom behind to find a separate reality where there is fun, freedom and delicious food.

Either that, or you really want to take a trip to Guadalajara.