Friday, October 15, 2004

Master(de)bating: the climax

How nice that the Republican party has finally taken it upon themselves to stand up for the rights and dignity of gay people….well, ONE gay person, who happens to be Dick Cheney’s daughter. One might wonder where their outrage was when Pat Robertson blamed 9-11 on gay people. Or when Rick Santorum compared homosexuality to polygamy, bigamy, adultery, and incest. Or when Alan Keyes specifically called Mary Cheney a “selfish hedonist”. But, there you have it. At least they’ve found their compassion at last.

Listen, Mary Cheney RUNS HER FATHER’S CAMPAIGN. She is actively supporting a platform that, in order to get Bush re-elected, would forever make her existing relationship constitutionally invalid. She deserves whatever she gets, which could be a lot worse than having John Kerry use her as a illustration of someone being who they were born to be. The only reason Dick and Lynne and other Republicans are outraged by Kerry’s comments during the last debate is because they find homosexuality something to be ashamed of, which it is not. So shut up already. The GOP must know it’s in trouble if THIS is all they have to make noise about.

And speaking of the debate…did anyone else notice the spittle at the corner of George Bush’s mouth for, like, the whole first half hour? Or how he had that stupid plastered-on grin the whole time? Someone must have really drummed it into his head not to grimace. Or how he looked so pleased with himself every time he completed a sentence? Or how he kept pausing for laughs and got only cricket chirps? I’m not entirely enthralled with Kerry, still, but he does look a lot more composed and Presidential than Bush ever could. And I’m NOT a Johnny-come-lately, I ALWAYS disliked Bush, and my primary motivation for that dislike is that he just doesn’t come across as intelligent. Not lacking-common-sense unintelligent, I mean just dumb. You can see it in his eyes, when he’s not squinting. Anyway, after the debates, I’m much more willing to vote for Kerry because he’s Kerry, instead of because he’s not Bush. I guess we’ll see.

I really got mad when Bush turned a question about unemployment and started talking about “No Child Left Behind” and his retarded “Jobs for the 21st Century” nonsense.

First of all, No Child Left Behind….you DO know that teachers hate it, right? Not because of getting money taken away from their schools, but because now they can’t teach children how to think, they have to teach them how to answer test questions, which is very different. And you DO know that there is no allowance made for, say, children with special needs or children who are learning English as a second language? Those children’s test scores are added into the general school population, and if that brings the mean result down, then the school loses funding, and the children can not-learn with even fewer resources.

And this jobs business…look, if someone is 50 years old, with a college degree, and their job is outsourced, and they have a family to feed, and they are LUCKY enough to find a temp job that pays, say, ten dollars an hour, and maybe a little Wal-Mart greeter job on the side, just so they can continue to feed their families and pay their bills, they’re not going to have the time or inclination to attend classes at a community college so that they can become a home theater repairman making about the same crappy wage as they are already making. Sheesh. Nothing against community colleges, mind you. It’s where I met my darling Jet. But you get the point. I think we should have a civil war, really I do, and before you can hold office you have to take a test, administered by, say, Ben Stein or Helen Thomas, and if you don’t have any common sense you aren’t allowed to hold office. Think it’ll fly?


Anonymous said...

Maybe Bush was "left behind." der....

I too am enraged at the No Child Left Behind bullshit. I just typed and deleted at least 9 sentences because its impossible to express how pissed off I am about it. Thanks for being the only other person in America to notice how he answered the minimum wage question with the "we're making for a better future!" comments. If by "better" you mean "incompetent," I may agree.

--friend of little sister bamm bamm, who i like to refer to as "EL DANGEROSO"

Oskins said...
