Thursday, October 07, 2004

But only one carry-on, please

So, not only does the “do not fly” list only contain one-third of CONFIRMED terrorists, but as of today it’s legal to carry a gun inside Dulles and Reagan National Airports.

Reagan National, recall, is where the terrorists who crashed into the Pentagon left from.


I’m CERTAIN that’s exactly what the founding fathers had in mind with the second amendment.

If you’re coming to see me, drive.

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Have beans changed, or have I? Being poverty-stricken, Jet and I have been eating a lot of beans lately, and the most curious thing has occurred – they do NOT make us gassy! Anyone who knows my true identity will tell you that WATER can make me gassy. So what’s up? Are commercially canned beans being secretly genetically engineered to not make a person fart? Is such a thing advisable? I mean, really – beans don’t taste THAT good, what could be the fun in eating them if not for the rush of exhilaration at scaring the dog with a loud noise every now and again, not to mention the glee of farting in bed and pulling the covers up around Jet’s head real quick? Has anyone else noticed this, or am I going crazy again?

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Jet and I, having just overcome about eight months of depression when we finished our terminal degrees and realized that we would no longer have life goals and the steps to accomplish them handed to us on a silver platter, now find ourselves wondering if this is it? You know, go to work, make money, come home, spend money (actually, the spend part has eluded us thus far, as we’re still catching up from a summer of not having two jobs apiece, which we need in order to pay all the bills). Is this normal, ex-academes? Should we keep searching for meaning, or just resign ourselves to a life of we-don’t-know-quite-what?

Succor, please. That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The plane that hit the Pentagon took off from Dulles, but that does not take away from the wisdom of your observation.

Oh, and never, NEVER call it Reagan National! It is Washington National Airport and always will be. RESIST!

As for the depression, a friend of mine warned me about it in 1996, my senior year of college. She was going though it then. She has since said it took her about two years to recover from it. It took me a lot longer because of badly-timed family traumas. I can only give you for succor what I have learned: Reject the system. Live outside of it. Don't give in to it just because everything around you tells you to. Screw other people's opinions and question your own. Prioritize and re-prioritize; formulate crazy schemes; consider fantasticly weird options. Just don't buy into that crap masquerading as "The American Dream."

Over and out.