Thursday, January 05, 2006

The continuing ballad(s) of Frito Joe

So, today I discovered that a co-worker, who apparently has even more time on her hands than I do, has developed a whole Frito Joe mythology with which to delight her family and friends. I had wondered why she was CONSTANTLY pressing me for juicy, antic-filled stories of Frito Joe's mischievous behavior, but hadn't imagined that she would use them to craft a whole little Frito Joe-centric world for herself. Not unlike what Jet and I do with grocery store clerks.

Frito Joe, incidentally, snuck out of the house last night at 3 am, to eat cat shit.

Happy Birthday to Mother Rubble, 77 and still going strong. (I'd say she's over the moon with glee, except I'd be afraid of causing offense. Long story. Suffice it to say she's probably visited this page once or twice.)

Here she is in her glory days as Head of Archery at Grandview Heights High School, 1947. (Which she has no memory of - I asked.)

Now for a couple of thumbnail reviews of the year's most anticipated films:

Narnia: Perfection. I was crying from beginning to end, it was so perfect. Go see it at once, and plan to spend the day and see it several times in succession.

King Kong: Sucks, and sucks hard. Really cut me to the quick, as I was waiting for it all year long. I LOVED Lord of the Rings (well, up until the giggly slo-mo pillow fight scene) but never imagined that Peter Jackson would deliver such a leaden monstrosity ( pun intended).

And I mean, really - Jack Black? Was EVERY OTHER CHARACTER ACTOR IN HOLLYWOOD busy?

Naomi Watts and Jamie Bell escape with their dignity, just.

Bareback Mounting (tee hee): Haven't seen it yet, will go this weekend, but I have to admit to a great deal of trepidation. I mean, having exposed the undercurrent of homoeroticism inherent in ALL male adventure fiction, and taken it to its logical conclusion, what's left for us poor little gay boys who love to watch Westerns and War films and Gladiator movies and professional wrestling SOLELY to pick up all the gay subtext? It seems to me that Brokeback has kind of spoiled things forever! Well, I suppose I'll see.

Speaking of gay subtext, I leave you with a book recommendation: The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson by Robert Hofler. PLENTY of delicious fifties' Hollywood gay gossip. Don't miss the revelations about Guy Madison and Rory Calhoun, you won't be sorry!

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