Thursday, August 31, 2006

Just the Roof, please, continued

When Jet came home from work last night, Dill the Crooked Roofer was sitting across the street from our house in his dilapidated van, staring at our house.

Jet asked him if he needed to speak with him. "Not unless you have any money," was the reply.

The police, apparently, can do nothing unless and until he encroaches on the property or makes an explicit threat.

You should know, of course, that we have not paid Dill the Crooked Roofer the balance of our bill, and are suing him to get our deposit back. Which he should know about by now. Which means he is angry, and stupid, and likely possesses firearms.


Code Dependent has just posted her first new blog in two years. So no more grousing about how infrequently I post.

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